Friday, December 02, 2005

Let the Anxiety Begin

Last night it hit me after staring at a computer screen for over an hour and only accomplishing the completion of a paragraph...I can't do this. There are not enough hours between now and next Friday to write the 4 papers due/catch up on my reading/read for my classes now. According to Chad this is completely possible, I just need to keep typing. The problem is I don't know what to type. Here is what has to be done by the end of next week:

Monday- Completed (12 page) draft of final research paper

Wednesday- Shakespeare character analysis paper due, along with 2 more Shakespeare
critiques of performances I have to watch between now and Wednesday.

Thursday- 6-8 page research paper due in my modern American lit class (this is a lot more complicated than it sounds, it has to be based on PRIMARY research- not just throwing in random quotes from books)

Friday- research paper due in my British lit class

Then, at some point read 2 novels I never read, read a zillion pages for British lit I never read, read Henry V and As You Like It, and if I manage to finish the week I can then use Saturday to start studying for finals...BUT the wonderful thing is, whether I finish the week with any amount of sanity remaining or not, it will STILL be done. AND, after next week I WILL HAVE 3 WEEKS OF NO SCHOOL! Bless my little heart, I can not wait!


  1. It will feel so good when you've turned everything in and taken all the tests and get to spend the holidays with your sweetie! Where are you guys headed for Christmas?

  2. What are the books you haven't read? Maybe one of us other readers could give you an overview? Also, renting Kenneth Branaugh's version of Henry V could save you some time. Yeah, I was a crappy student, but sometimes you just have to have a few well written insights and you can make it through. Good luck with the primary research paper. Absolutely hated those!

  3. I ditto the renting Kenneth Branaugh's version of Henry V...there are very few parts cut or different. You'll do fine, we believe in you! Happy Holidays!

  4. Ahhh!!!!
    (It doesn't matter if it's perfect. You'll be brilliant!)

  5. No worries everyone, I already watched Branaugh's Henry V. I finished the draft of the 12 page paper. Tonight I'm hitting up the library to write my Shakespeare character analysis on Macbeth, then doing research for my Modern paper. Then Thursday/Friday morning I will write my final paper for my British Lit class. If anyone has read Saul Bellow's Mr. Sammler's Planet or Wilkie Collin's The Moonstone and has some insightful comments that would be great. Thanks!

    Oh, and Maggie- Chad and I are going to work a lot over the holidays, so we'll be in Provo. We're going to spend Christmas with my family though, since they are in Bountiful now.

  6. Sadly, I'm in the middle of Wilkie Collins' Woman in White, the Moonstone is next. I know that in The Moonstone there are issues related to colonialism (where the stone, a diamond, I believe was found), multiple narrators etc. He uses the multiple narrators in Woman In White to make sure there is always a first person narration. It isn't much, but I hope it helps! Congrats on getting things finished!

  7. Girl, I am with you on this. Just turned in a 20 pg. on Monday, and an 8 page. Its hard to force coherent thoughts from your head, and hard to stop yourself from re-reading your thoughts/senetences over and over so many times that you are driven to maddness!


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